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Repurposing Old Content

Posted on 03.25.2021



Many things, from business to daily life, have changed a lot in the last three years. Some industries have experienced massive fluctuations in how they operate and what is profitable. Most of us have less time for marketing, and that includes writing blog posts and developing content. Whatever the case for your organization, remember to check out your existing content for quality content that can be renewed. Here are a few ways to make the most of old content in today’s lightning-paced world.

Update, Edit and Move Web Content

Let’s start with the obvious: How current is your website content? Is all of your product, team and contact information current? Make this content a priority for pages you should update on a regular basis. Not only can you update it, but you can also post your updates on social, driving new traffic to pages that needed a facelift.

Schedule a website content review at regular intervals, preferably once a month or every few weeks. Planning how often you review your website will help keep you on track with keeping it up to date instead of letting it dwindle in the eyes of the SEO gods. Remember to review blog posts, as well.

Finally, think about moving content around on your website or reorganizing it. You may find that some blocks of info now fit better in a different place on the website. They may no longer need to live on the website, or perhaps content you once thought needed to be permanent could now be turned into a blog post or video. Consider all the options and save old content for possible future use.

Put a New Spin on Old Content

Jumping off of the previous idea of updating content, do you have older blog posts that are still relevant today? Could you put a new spin on them and repost them on social media? Are the tags or categories still relevant to your customers and industry?

It could be that an older blog post or a buried part of your website that is even more in line with your business model for 2021. Or maybe a post should be turned off for now! Take an inventory of blog posts and discuss how topics could be repurposed and refreshed. Maybe you need a new photo for an old post. Find something shiny to accompany the blog and bring a new angle to it through your social posts. Remember to use one of the handy content creation tools to improve the visuals and text.

wordpress blog post

Post a New Video About a Popular Topic or Product

Another fantastic way to boost SEO and put that new angle on existing content is to make a video about it. Did you have a long blog post about a technical topic? Or maybe a popular product has received an update to its pricing or quality. Consider taking the time to talk about that topic or product on camera for a couple of minutes. Post it to YouTube, and you have created another path for potential customers to learn more about your services and products quickly. SEO loves video as much as people do, so make more videos, even if they’re about old topics, and watch as your social media reach expands.

Could one of your videos be a customer testimonial? Consider asking your most enthusiastic supporters to record a video about a product or service they love and how it changed their life. Testimonials are powerful, and there’s nothing better than video evidence of sincere and authentic customers!

Have you wanted to start a podcast about your industry? Using your content ideas for podcasts is yet another great way to open up more channels to more potential customers and to tell your story in a different way. Some people are dedicated podcast listeners. You could be one of the few in your industry to serve up audio content.

Create an FAQ or eBook

Do you have an FAQ page on your website? Frequently asked questions make for great SEO-friendly content! Even if it seems redundant, you could benefit from going through your website and customer feedback to create FAQ that will enrich your site with a single page for all questions and answers.

Want to gather more leads? eBooks provide an inroad to collecting leads in exchange for the free information provided in the eBook. Make sure it contains information of value. It may not currently exist in another form on your website, blog or presentations, so you might have to put some extra hours into this project to make it a quality, cohesive product. Once finished, it can be set up as a signup form in order to receive it, allowing you to funnel leads to sales for followup.

It’s a smart idea to repurpose old content through your own digital marketing presence. Think about ways you can update and move content or turn one medium into another, e.g. blog post to video or product post on social to blog post. Over time, you can develop quite a library of information that can be worked up into another form for a different purpose—or even a different audience. Keep your content current and revisit it when you want to show your customers that you are a leader in your industry.

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