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Boosting Your Reach With Online Marketing

Posted on 06.05.2020



What if there was an economical way to attract new customers, interact with current clients, and tell hundreds or thousands of people about your business? Seems too good to be true? Online marketing is the answer.

Whether you use email, social media, blogs, your website, or a combination of all of these approaches, you first need a strategy and a plan. Check out these eight tips to boost your online marketing reach.

1. Be Conversational and Friendly

People are busy. Make it easier for your readers to read and interact with your content. They don’t have the time or the desire for acronyms, business jargon, or high-level research. Write as if you’re talking to a friend. Keep your sentences short, make sure your topic is relevant, and write with your customer in mind. What types of information would be most helpful? Are there subject lines and blog topics that will entice your subscribers to continue reading?

2. Schedule Your Posts for Maximum Reach

Do you have an upcoming event? Want to recognize a special day or person? Wish to share a funny picture? Consider scheduling your news ahead of time for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or another social platform. HootSuite is a great tool; it’s one of the most intuitive and user-friendly marketing automation platforms available. But there are other options out there. Check out Sprout and TweetDeck for Twitter or Buffer and Ifttt for other social media platforms. You’ll also need to determine which networks work best for your business and your goals.

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3. Interact With Your Customers and Clients

When someone posts something about your business or brand, be the company that is willing to have a conversation. If it’s a compliment, say thanks. If it’s a grievance, respond promptly and ask what you can do to resolve the issue. If it’s just a shout out, say hello back and perhaps offer them a coupon or a special deal.

4. Measure Twice, Cut Once

As that old adage has it, prepare before you begin. Do some testing before you launch your online marketing campaign. Since a majority of people access news and email via their mobile devices, make sure your website uses a responsive design and all your sites display properly on smaller screens. Test how your website, emails, and other online marketing tools look on smartphones and tablets. Send your messages to people in your company before launching them to your customers and subscribers. In addition to display issues, this is also a great chance for others to check for any errors in your copy.

5. Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

It’s okay to repurpose and reuse content for different audiences. If a post did particularly well on Twitter, for example, don’t be afraid to include it in your next email message. Maybe you received a lot of feedback and questions after an email campaign; consider expanding the content into a blog. You can then post the blog on your website and LinkedIn. You know your audience; you know what they prefer. But you don’t have to bake from scratch every time.

6. Be Patient; Be Flexible

You’re doing everything right, you’re having great conversations, your posts are relevant, and your stats look great. So why aren’t sales through the roof? Online marketing takes time. And you need to do some analysis to see what’s working and what’s not. Are there certain days or times that work best for your posts? Do people respond to particular topics? Does one channel (Twitter, Facebook, etc …) seem to resonate more with your followers? Is there a particular format—images, blogs, videos—that your customers like best? Examine what is working, then go back to the drawing board and tweak your online marketing strategy. Remember: You want people to enjoy your content and then take action.

7. Keep it Simple

You don’t need to be on every social media platform, send weekly emails, or write weekly blogs. Pick the network(s) your customers prefer. Survey your customers about how often they’d like to receive emails or read blogs. Remember that it’s better to succeed at one strategy or on one channel than to be mediocre across five platforms. So don’t spread yourself too thin. Focus on what you do well and what your customers want.

8. Don’t be Afraid to use Humor

If you can make your clients laugh, you’ve created a bond and they’re more likely to remember you. And, according to research, good memories simply last longer. Laughter unites and unifies people. Whatever your brand, whatever your product, try to bring a smile to your customer’s faces.

Keep an open mind and keep experimenting as you find the best ways to connect with your customers. Online marketing is a powerful and economical way to tell people how you can help them. Done right and done with purpose, it can boost both your reputation and your bottom line.

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